I have had a few messages the last month or so from people asking if I was okay because I have been a bit quiet – thank you for checking in, it means the world! When it comes to my actual blog I have been quiet, but for those that follow the Dear Melanoma page, you would know that Serge and I have been super busy!
This observation made me sit down and think why I have not been writing as much. I do not have a pile of blogs scheduled to post on specific dates. My blog is very much written in the moment, often an hour or two before I actually publish them online. They are written in the heat of the moment, in the midst of tears and tantrums, and more often than not, when I am riding the very lowest point of the roller-coaster I call my life.
This explains a lot.
I started my blog largely to document the moments of heartbreak that people don’t often share and although I have had some recent hiccups with my health, the last few months have largely been great!
I am not drawn to write when I am riding that high of my roller-coaster – I am too busy living life and planning for my immediate future!
Like I said, I carry on to share my life on the Dear Melanoma Facebook page and Instagram account, because they genuinely bring me joy and I love sharing snippets of my everyday life with you. I guess they are my happy place.
Starting tonight, I pledge to share some more of my highs with you on the blog.
Here I go!
The last few months I have found a sense of confidence and purpose in my abilities. I had forgotten my worth and abilities since I found out my cancer had spread. I have stopped working in aid and development. I have stopped studying. I had also been made to feel like I did not have the skills or backing to take my blog further and make something out of it. I was simply a cancer patient that had a little old blog.
After a bit of a pep talk from my loved ones and my favourite Kid President (video included) and a lot of self-reflection, I am happy to tell you that I am confident to shout from the rooftops that, ‘EMMA BETTS, IS NOT SOME SILLY LITTLE BLOGGER, NOR IS DEAR MELANOMA A SILLY LITTLE BLOG.’
I am a writer, an advocate, a fundraiser, a speaker, and a new business owner (more info to come on that one!). I am dominating these jobs!
I had forgotten my abilities because I felt that I had fallen into this purely because of cancer, but what I ignored was my past, my life before cancer - a life that has given me the foundation to be successful and more than just a cancer patient with a blog.
During university I worked for an amazing youth run aid and development organisation, Oaktree, which I owe so much to. In a few short years, I was leading the Queensland Branch, overseeing over 40 volunteers, numerous campaigns and projects, and leading a State Team that brought in over $150,000 in fundraising. I became a speaker, a leader, a facilitator, an advocate and a fundraiser… it sounds a little familiar!
Looking back on this time, I realise that I am not JUST a cancer patient with a blog, in many aspects I have spent my young life working towards this. All I have changed in my life is my passion. Although I am still passionate about aid and development work, my new passion is melanoma and creating awareness and funds.
It is time for me to treat Dear Melanoma like a job (unfortunately not paid!) and I am lucky in that I love my new job!
So the last month I have been enthusiastic and reinvigorated about the direction of Dear Melanoma to the point where I feel a real sense of purpose and desire to plan for the future – something that I have struggled with since being diagnosed with terminal cancer.
As many of you know, Serge and I have been working very hard on a new website for Dear Melanoma and this has been incredibly exciting and refreshing. The new website is allowing me to expand and celebrate the work beyond just the blog content. It will highlight Dear Melanoma in all its glory and I can’t wait to share this with you.
And, in a few weeks I will be launching my new little endeavour – a business that follows on from my blog post about ‘Care Packages’. I can’t wait to share with you the logo and snippets of what is to come.
I honestly feel like this last month has been very much about finding my purpose and my self worth again and with this comes great joy and happiness.
Get excited!!!